pädagogisch wertfrei erziehen

Hi folks, ich plane einen Hack & Tell in München.

Hi folks,

ich plane einen Hack & Tell in München.

"If you’ve ever visited Hacker News, you’ve almost certainly seen the
"Show HN" or "Ask HN" posts. Well, it’s time to get off the Internet
and tell us about it face to face. We’ll provide you with our honest
feedback, you provide us with a great hack, or idea.

We’ll give you 5 minutes to show off your tool, hack, library (did you
just write a library to access the Meetup API in Go!?), whatever.
We’re language and software/hardware agnostic, so it’s all fair game.

After you present, it’s an open forum. The audience will ask questions
and provide feedback. We want to enable as much participation as
possible at these meetups, so you’d better be able to take criticism
and dish it out (all within reason of course)."


Und ich suche einen Raum dafür.

Hat jemand einen Vorschlag für einen günstigen, mit Bar versorgten, Raum?

hack and tell

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