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Powerful Waste As those of us who have spent the past two weeks making sure we have a bathtub full of…


Don't know what to make of this after reading the article from Nathan Lee.

Told you folks … African Entrepreneurs will kick us "Western" Folks in the Butt .. not a few years ahead and we will work for them ;)

via +Ricky Ng-Adam 

Sharon Strandskov:

Powerful Waste

As those of us who have spent the past two weeks making sure we have a bathtub full of toilet-flushing water know, this innovative solution will actually solve two problems: according to the article, 1 Liter of urine gives you 6 hours of electricity.
*Not sure how much electricity, will need to do some more reading

•Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which cracks the urea into nitrogen, water, and hydrogen.
•The hydrogen goes into a water filter for purification, which then gets pushed into the gas cylinder.
•The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas.
•This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

I love seeing projects like this coming from young minds, and appreciate Maker Faire for their efforts to bring more attention to the DIY community!

Oh, this? Just some teenage girls from Africa who invented a urine-powered generator.

How’s this for an innovative startup: four African girls — the eldest of which is just fifteen years old — have worked together to invent a generator that’s powered by urine.

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